Lucky for you, I am not a “medical professional”.
Just someone who believes in optimizing the healing power of the bodies we have been given – by following things like common sense and the wisdom passed down from our ancestors.
The list before the list
- If you believe that the only source of healing comes from a pill, then this may be the perfect opportunity for you to regain trust in yourself, in your body, in what you think is best, rather than what someone else thinks is best.
- The beauty of following natural methods is that you have nothing to lose. There are no side effects, no major consequences – just potential improvement.
- You try things, and if they don’t work, then you haven’t lost anything. At the very least, you gained knowledge in knowing what doesn’t work for you. So you don’t waste your time in the future. So you can focus on figuring something else out that WILL eventually work.
- That being said, the idea is to not only protect yourself from “trending” illnesses such as the Coronavirus, but to just generally optimize your well-being.
The list
- Eating close to how your ancestors did, assuming science backs it up.
i. This doesn’t mean following any specific or trending diet. This is just doing what makes sense to do and what other healthy people did before you.
ii. For example, if you know that men in your lineage ate a lot of bread and they were generally healthy, then maybe that’s OK for you. However, don’t forget the context. The bread of old is not the bread of today. The bread of the past was not made in a factory and was not made for mass production. It was not made as quickly and cheaply as possible. It was made in a way that made sense. In a way that they found others before them doing, which was using slow fermentation / sourdough.
iii. So use that knowledge and prepare foods in a way that science has proven to make them more digestible. More information here: https://www.westonaprice.org/health-topics/food-features/be-kind-to-your-grains-and-your-grains-will-be-kind-to-you/ - Putting yourself in an environment that your ancestors were in, which science will back up.
i. Were your grandfathers of old locked up in a house and looking at a blue-light emitting screen all day?
ii. No, that’s right, they were probably doing something outside. You do remember outside, don’t you?
iii. I can appreciate how difficult this is, and am finding the same myself.
iv. The closest thing I’ve found these days is getting into gardening or sports. These are just simulations, of course. They are not the same as actually being outside and doing things because you HAVE to do them. That is a very important point that we will touch on later.
Thanks for reading, and stay tuned for more.
UPDATE (2020/04/06): Continue reading here:

Be Kind to Your Grains … And Your Grains Will Be Kind To You – The Weston A. Price Foundation
The science of nutrition seems to take a step backwards for every two steps it takes forward. When the study of vitamins was in …